Vanilla Scented Sautéed Apricots

Sautéed Apricots and Vanilla are the perfect combinations of vanilla and apricot. When sauteed, the aroma from the apricots and the vanilla combine perfectly to create this comforting dessert. This recipe is terrific on its own or as a topping for waffles or ice cream. Additionally, you could use these sauteed apricots as a tasty pie or tart filling. Honestly, the possibilities are endless, so let us know what you come up with.

Garrett McCord at Vanilla Garlic is responsible for developing this recipe. With less than 5 ingredients (4 to be exact), this is a quick and easy recipe that you can enjoy in so many ways. Not only does this recipe use fresh apricots (which are delicious), but it also uses 2 Singing Dog Vanilla Beans to give it a potent vanilla flavor and the classic vanilla specks that we all know and love.

Not only is this a great use of the vanilla beans, but you can use the remaining pod to make Vanilla Sugar.  The vanilla sugar will take a few weeks to be ready, and the waiting can be challenging. However, it can be an easy and fun activity for kids. It’s an excellent opportunity to teach them how to read and follow a recipe. Enjoy!

3 Servings

Measuring Spoons
Sauté or frying pan

Prep time

Cook Time

6 Apricots
3 Tablespoons Brown Sugar
1 to 2 Vanilla Bean(s)
1 1/2 Tablespoon Unsalted Butter

Wash the apricots. Remove the stones from the apricots, and cut into quarters.

Warm a saute or fry pan over medium heat and melt the butter. Split the vanilla bean(s) in half and scrape out the seeds. Throw the apricots, brown sugar, vanilla seeds and pod into the butter and stir. It will create a lot of juice the longer you saute.

Warm over medium-low heat for about 8-12 minutes or until you have them at a firmness you prefer. I like mine halfway firm, Rob lets his share go a while longer till it was more of a sauce.